Monday, May 19, 2014

Lessons Learned During Freshman Year

Tomorrow looks bright and beautiful. Rock on! Photo taken in Tagaytay City. 
It’s been quite a long and memorable school year, but I'm no freshman anymore. I'd wish to remain one a little longer, though, so I'd have an excuse as to why I don't know where certain places in the campus are or how things work in college. Being a little clueless would be forgivable then.  Still, I'm moving on, learning new things in the process, and improving into my sophomore self.

Here's a list I wrote down after I logged into my aisis account (university website) and found out I passed all my freshman subjects last March 29. It got buried over the huge pile of past Xeroxed readings and books I planned to read over my ever-so-short, three-week summer break. I stumbled upon them again after rearranging that heap and added a few more to the list.

These are the things I've learned or realized after two semesters in university, not necessarily in order:

1.   Always bring an umbrella. ALWAYS. Because it is either too hot or raining and hardly in between.

2.   Friendships can be formed anywhere. ANYWHERE. Even from the person you only met online or the person you randomly came across with at the street.

3.   BUT it is always prudent to be cautious in everything – including friendships.

4.  The person you were close with during the first semester, whom you thought was a friend forever? Well, you’ll find out the next time that that person’s got a new set of friends without you. People come and go. Moving on.

5.   Cramming is a sign of confidence. Ah, the things I learn in school.

6.   There are things that I would rather not learn. 

7.  Go by your sense of style. If you feel comfortable in it and it looks decent, go for it.

8.  No matter how busy you are with studies and friends, you must still consider God as your number one priority in life and you will never go wrong.

9.   Do not conform to a bad crowd.

10. Being in such a diverse bunch, you have to be strong to be able to stand for what you  believe in.

People usually say that it’s okay to make mistakes, as long as we don’t make the same mistakes twice. I've learned my lessons and I’m bringing them to sophomore year! Yeah!

I know that summer is going to end soon, but I hope you enjoy the remaining days!

P.S. Drink lots of water!


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